B/X Essentials
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B/X Essentials
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Warehouse find!
Unearthed in the catacombs of our warehouse, a very limited number of copies of the five staple-bound B/X Essentials booklets, printed in 2018.
B/X Essentials was an early precursor of the ever-popular Old-School Essentials. While the Old-School Essentials Classic Game Set presents the same game in a deluxe, much more polished form, these early booklets provide a fascinating insight into the game’s development. Grab these Essential collector’s items while they last!
B/X Essentials Core Rules :
The core rules of the game, including: encounters, combat, dungeon and wilderness exploration, seafaring, spell casting, and magical research. 34 pages.
B/X Essentials Classes and Equipment :
The standard classes of adventurer and the ways in which characters can spend their hard-earned treasure, including: arms, adventuring gear, mounts, sea vessels, mercenaries, specialists, and (eventually!) castles and strongholds. 44 pages.
B/X Essentials Cleric and Magic-User Spells :
The standard spell listings for the cleric and
magic-user classes (the latter also used by elves). 34 pages.
B/X Essentials Monsters :
All of the classic Basic/Expert monsters in a new, easy-to-reference format, optimised for use at the table. 48 pages.
B/X Essentials Adventures and Treasures :
Guidelines for adventure creation, random encounter tables, treasure generation rules, and the complete list of magic items. 48 pages.
PDFs not included

Issue: Classes and Equipment

Really great! Too bad I didn't get this when it originally published.
Good shipping times from one of the finest curated TTRPG stores on the web.
I do like the book. It is a great product. I misunderstood the sale though. I thought it was a set of softcover books for twenty, not twenty per book. I already have multiple copies of the game. I got Classic Fantasy in Hardback from you for only 40 bucks. But it is my bad, I should have paid closer attention.
The order did not sticker I ordered. The customer rep was cool abd resent the sticker. But DHL seems to have lost it and it never arrived. I called them, they said they delivered it to the post office and I should call them. I feel that they should do that. DHL sucks. So I am like, whatever. I got burned and it is my own fault.