While we love to chat on all forms of social media, our preferred method for anything official is by email. Here is how to reach us!
Customer Service
For order issues and all other customer service inquiries please contact support@exaltedfuneral.com
Press or Media
For press or media questions please contact us at press@exaltedfuneral.com
-Creator of a book or zine and you would like to inquire about us carrying it on the site? Contact purchasing@exaltedfuneral.com
-Have a pitch for a game or interested in collaborating? Contact projects@exaltedfuneral.com
For new creators looking to work with Exalted Funeral please note: Exalted Funeral Press is a stalwart supporter of the art community. We take pride in our continued support of artists, writers, musicians, sculptors, and all the creative human minds that make games. We do not support the use of Artificial Intelligence in the creation of artistic content in the games we publish. If you want to make a game with us, we will require the use of human beings to make the art for the game we publish in partnership with you.
Wholesale & Retailers
If you are a retailer and would like to purchase items for your store please contact wholesale@exaltedfuneral.com