Vast Grimm Volatile Verse
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Vast Grimm Volatile Verse
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Orders typically ship within 24-48 hours after being placed, business days only Monday - Friday. If you place an order on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday then it will not ship until the following business week. Shirts and Hoodies will ship separately.
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The Adventures in the Volatile Verse is a series packed full of adventures all across the Volatile 'Verse of Vast Grimm.
Vast Grimm Volatile Verse #1
This issue contains:
Deep Within the Gibbering Dark by Bill Barnett
After an asteroid strikes Shapely-K7, will any of the criminals locked inside Prosser Psychiatric Institute have survived the devastation?
Judgment of the Six by Nerdarchy
After a quick landing on X-11 for some much-needed repairs, something doesn’t sit right. And it’s not just that the ground is moving beneath your feet. Will YOUR LEGION get sucked into something far more gruesome than you ever imagined?
Judas by Grady Wong and Theo Thourson
Tela Station is filled with some of the brightest scientific minds of this generation, using tech light- lightyears beyond anything else years found in the ‘verse. But is this station too good to be true?
With new Tributes and a d12 Steal from the Dead charts by Brian Colin and Ross Brandt
32 interior pages, 157g matte finish, 250g cover coated in a soft-touch laminate, 6" x 8.5' to match the size of the Vast Grimm core book.
Vast Grimm Volatile Verse #2
This issue contains:
The Remains of Colony Delta by Vic Prano
An overgrown, long-deserted colony is filled with abundant resources. Can YOUR LEGION harvest them?
The Omega Protocol by Janet Forbes & Dimitris Romeo
Rumors of a superweapon to combat the Grimm have leaked across the netwürk. Can YOUR LEGION find it before anyone else
Hostility Engram by Dayv Cole & David Gallaher
A crumbling space station holds an Engram that could make YOUR LEGION rich. Can you find it and avoid the fate that befell the previous inhabitants of the station?
With new Random Encounter & Scavenging for food charts, as well as a Traveling Filling Station by Brian Colin and Ross Brandt
32 interior pages, 157g matte finish, 250g cover coated in a soft-touch laminate, 6" x 8.5' to match the size of the Vast Grimm core book.
Vast Grimm is an independent production by Infinite Black and Creature Curation and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

Issue: Verse #1