Gateway to Adventure: The Merchant + PDF
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Gateway to Adventure: The Merchant + PDF
Shipping Information
Orders typically ship within 24-48 hours after being placed, business days only Monday - Friday. If you place an order on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday then it will not ship until the following business week. Shirts and Hoodies will ship separately.
We use USPS, UPS and DHL. Rates are based on current service rates and are subject to change. For the majority of items we ship in deluxe padded bubble mailers with bags and boards for added protection or with cardboard book mailers. Larger orders will be finely packed as well. We care about the product getting to you safe and secure.
However, there are some merchants who see the potential value in becoming “true adventurers”, that is to say dungeon delvers and wilderness explorers. Many are the treasures found in the ancient places of the world.
The Merchant presents OSE players with a new class that has roots going back to the days of the first fantasy campaign, predating the release of the worlds first role playing game! Amongst the earliest of archetypes that would become the classes that we know in fantasy role playing today, the merchant has often been overlooked. We have corrected that oversight and present a version of the merchant adventurer that is fully compatible with Old-School Essentials and other games built upon a B/X rule set! So what are you waiting for?
Limited Edition Printing - when they are gone, they are gone.
The Team:
Writing, design, layout: R.J. Thompson
Editing: Amy Kohl
Front and Back Cover Art: Denis McCarthy
Interior artwork: Stacie Joy, Diogo Nogueira, Denis McCarthy, Luigi Castellani, Andrew Krahnke, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art, Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games, and Shaman's Stockart
Digest sized, 14 pages, saddle-stitched zine. Color cover, black and white throughout. Includes PDF.