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Orders typically ship within 24-48 hours after being placed, business days only Monday - Friday. If you place an order on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday then it will not ship until the following business week. Shirts and Hoodies will ship separately.
We use USPS, UPS and DHL. Rates are based on current service rates and are subject to change. For the majority of items we ship in deluxe padded bubble mailers with bags and boards for added protection or with cardboard book mailers. Larger orders will be finely packed as well. We care about the product getting to you safe and secure.
The end is nigh, and it involves a whole lot of spewing, pissing punks in a grim-neon world of spew, grue and sprues.
The final war was fought over the last fresh bucket of piss. After the bombs fell, what passed for survivors noticed that an inconvenient side effect was that everyone’s stomach acid had been turned into some sort of violent radioactive gloop which began melting everyone from the inside out. Everyone left alive will be lucky to make it a month, so now that it’s all over, may as well try to have a laugh blasting each other with face melting gut luggage.
About the game:
This is Pukeapocalypse, a nasty, violent, nihilistic, foul mouthed ride on a torrent of radioactive puke towards the end of the world. It’s punk, horrible and full of gore and grue, knows lots of rude words and likes to use them. You’ll be controlling a bunch of scumbags who are being melted from the inside out by acidic stomach juices, they’re all going to die and have a thoroughly unpleasant time doing it, so they may as well find someone else’s face to spray some of those juices into and share the experience around a bit.
Pukeapocalypse is a low minis count, miniatures agnostic narrative skirmish game. It’s designed to encourage kitbashing and campaign play for two or more players. A game should last about 45 minutes, so you can play a good chunk of a campaign in a single session.
You’ll grab a band of scumbags from one of six messed up cliques:
- Feral Doggers
- Puke powered Vom Cultists
- Dominant Queen’s Cysters
- Aggro driven Skinless Skins
- Meta mastering Straight Edgers
- The mentalists of the Psychobillies
Each has a set of unique powers, specific playstyle and progression path along with a distinct aesthetic and style. Generating a band to get started is as simple as picking your clique and going.
During play you’ll be attacking other scumbags by laying chains of Bile Tokens, included as fully illustrated punch out tokens, representing your streams of acidic vomit, across the tabletop. No measuring ranges, no checking for Line of Sight, just pick a victim and let rip. You’ll not only place tokens flat across the tabletop, you’ll flick them to gain an advantage from projectile barf blowing, stack them on anyone you managed to blast up the arse, use them to shove other scumbags around and dump them from mighty elevations. Movement is simple, pick a point within range of the included measuring middle finger and put your scumbag there, then roll to see what sorts of horrible crap happened to them on the way. Everything results in something happening, nothing ends in nothing.
If you’re a glutton for punishment, there’s a full campaign system. Scumbags don’t have stats, because who can be doing with that noise? Instead experience results in new weird powers that open up different abilities and options during play. Not that you can just spend that experience, you’ll be using a die to progress system where an individual Scumbag only gets new powers when they burst into a shower of acidic puke and get replaced by a convenient identical relation. The new scumbag will come with new powers and will keep anything the old one had that you modelled onto the mini. Kitbashing is built right into the rules, if it’s painted in or glued on you can’t lose it. Hobby makes you immortal. Once you’ve got your band running you can play through a range of scenarios, maybe including some Wandering Bastards to mix things up or dumping your scumbags into Rancid Environments. After you’ve finally had enough of that you can finish it all up with the linking set of scenarios known as the Pointless Crusade.
There’s no god, there’s no hope, there’s a shit-ton of vomit, and it’s all gushing your way.
- Pukeapocalypse - 66 page spiralbound rulebook
- Three punchboard sheets with a whole
bunch of crap on:- 71 Bile Tokens (yes, you really will need that many)
- 21 Activation markers (you really shouldn’t need that many)
- 2 Measuring Widgets (one for everyone, if there are two of you)
- 2 First turn markers (can you have 2 first turns? No, we gave you a spare)
- A lovely barf bag to keep your tokens and vile spew!
The Team:
Created by Glenn Ford
Art by Lukasz Kowalczuk
Additional art by Aleksandar Kostic & Tiger Wizard
Published by Exalted Funeral
One spiral bound rulebook, 66 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches, full color; three punch-out token sheets, full color; one barf storage bag. PDFs included.
Check out these videos!

Version: Spiral Bound Book With Tokens & Bag + PDF

Great game with solid value.
Such amazing component and delivered in great shape!