Crepuscular Issue #1 : Sanctum of the Snail
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Crepuscular Issue #1 : Sanctum of the Snail
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Crepuscular (kri-puhs-kyuh-ler)
Adjective. Relating to that state of being between the light and the dark.
Noun. A 'zine dedicated to Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Sanctum of the Snail
It was a fairly pleasant trip until the storm hit. Your ship sank, and now you and the other survivors–peasants, pilgrims, and gongfarmers–are stuck on this jagged spire in the middle of the ocean. The storm rages all around you while monsters crawl out of the sea. It looks like the only way off this rock is down through that weird door. Who will live and who will die in this 0-level funnel adventure?
In addition to the adventure, this first issue of Crepuscular also includes:
- Blorgamorg, the Chthonic Snail: a new patron, complete with spells!
- New magic items!
- The adventures of Moonblossom & Chance!
- 30 NPC henchmen for hire!
A 48-page comic-sized adventure ‘zine written and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett.