Campaign Notebook + PDF
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Campaign Notebook + PDF
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In this (2)d8 only book, you will get an enclosed toolset to generate a session and/or campaign on the fly, or, to roll and prepare in advance. Great for the soloist or group player.
Included Within:
- Three "campaign" sections, which include a hexmap, 2 grids, and a dot sheet.
- Numerous blank d8 tables per section for you to fill in to your preference
- D88 Wilderness Encounters
- D88 Dungeon Encounters
- D88 Settlement Encounters
- D88 Loot Body table
- D88 Item Creation tables (Mundane & Magical)
- 72 Dungeon Geomorphs to roll and draw from (make them wobbly for caverns)
- Multiple d8 NPC and Settlement and Dressing tables
- Numerous d8 tables to create world generating things on the fly
- Two blank "idea" pages, for you to collect inspiration
- Places for each section to keep track of NPCs, rumors, threads, etc
Creator Note: This is made for fairly generic vanilla fantasy, with things like goblins, gnomes, gnolls, dragons, golems. Add your chosen ingredients in the blank tables to throw in the spice! It does not contain stats, so that it can be played with any fantasy role-playing game. I do not write full expositions here. You will need to add names and specifics.
It is designed to be a living document of sorts. Add your own treasure, rumors, creatures, encounters before a session. Then, when you play with the characters, mix it up, roll on those for specific flavor and then the included tables for some filler. If you are a solo player, generate hexes, waypoints, locations, encounters all on the fly, with 2 d8s!
Either unite the 3 campaign sessions for one long, epic campaign. OR, have three ongoing campaigns at once. Have all the tools and tables at hand, enclosed, organized.
All art and text by Perplexing Ruins.
Graph papers supplied by Incomtech
20 page, color cover, letter size, black & white interior zine. PDF Included.